How to access JSON objects with spaces in Javascript
This is a tutorial on how to access JSON objects with spaces in Javascript. For example, let's say you want to access something like this: var test = { "user data" : { "Full name" : "John Doe " , "id" : "109" }, "operating info" : { "No. of interfaces" : "4" } } And you need to know what's user data , for example. Well, it's done like so: console. log (test[ "user data" ]); > { Full name : "John Doe" , id : "109" } That wasn't that hard, was it? If you want to iterate over test 's children, that's also possible: Object. keys (test). forEach ( function ( child ) { console. log (test[ child ]); }); > { Full name : "John Doe" , id : "109" } > { No. of interfaces : "4" } Maybe you want to know what's Full name : var data = test[ "user dat...